Thursday, March 08, 2007

Silly Lilly

Lilly was SO funny. I was trying to shower and she was getting so mad that the shower door was closed. So I finally opened it and she kept trying to join me in the shower. She would climb in half way and I would pick her up and set her back on the mat. We just kept doing this over and over again. Finally I was trying to finish my shower so I just let her come in thinking that she would get soaked and that would upset her enough to stay out but she LIKED it! So she took a shower with me and was so proud of herself as you can see from the picture. PS please don't hate me because my shower is really dirty.

Lilly loved these sunglasses. She kept them on for an unusually long period of time for a baby. She thought it was really funny.


Wendy said...

Lilly is adorable! I loved the sunglasses.

Amanda said...

haha..that is so cute!! Now you can take a shower and clean her too! That's what we do with Ash!