Happy Father's Day to all those Daddy's out there. This picture is mainly for Beck to show you that I really did get him another shirt, his favorite that he actually wears in public. He looks so happy in this picture doesn't he?
Josey: It is so wierd! Ever since I have been 5 like nothing bad is happening to me. Mommy: What do you mean nothing bad? Josey: Like I haven't gotten scratched on my legs or anything. (Boy she has a short memory of being 5)
Josey: OW! Lilly bit me! Mommy: Lillian! Did you bite your sister? Lilly: I was just pinchinf Josey....with my teeth.
Lilly: Jesus Christ loves me! Mommy: Yes! He does. Lilly: I want to see him. Mommy: Me too. Someday we can see him. Lilly: And give him a big hug. Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day!
Maddy: (talking to her friend in the car) Have you ever met my dad? Friend: No Maddy: Well he's bald......and has spikes of hair sticking out of his head......and a MUSTACHE......like a big mustache. (I don't think I want to meet that guy.)
Maddy: It's like a blister out there ! (aka blizzard)
Lilly: I HATE CHRISTMAS! and Maddy ruined my Christmas.
Lilly: Whats that? Mommy: Its a high school. Lilly: I wanna go there! Mommy: Someday when you are big you can go to high school. Lilly: I want to go to princess school. I go to princess school! Mommy: okay.
Maddy: (the girls had been passing notes to each other all afternoon playing some game) Mom can you read Josey's note.....I don't speak her language.
Maddy: (during out family soccer game) Dad I am about ready to show what I can do. Dad: What are you talking about? Maddy: You know what I'm talking about.
Maddy and Josey: "LET'S PRETEND!" Maddy and Josey: JINX!!!!!!! Maddy and Josey: TEN!!!!! Maddy: You cheated! Josey: So did you! Maddy:.........OK (Can't you all just remember the jinx days?)
*Mommy: (Josey and Lilly were watching Beauty and the Beast) Josey you are a lot like Belle. You are beautiful AND smart and you love to read just like Belle. Josey: Yeah...........and I am really funny.
*Daddy: (Laughing as he is trying to dress Lilly for bed and she WILL NOT stop wiggling) You little terd. Lilly: NO Daddy.....I a princess!
*Josey: Mom......1 question......when can I dress up like a vampire again? Mom: (thinking=most random question ever asked me.)
*Lilly: (Daddy was BBQing hamburgers) Daddy, you cooking crabby patties?
*Maddy: Everyone is different Josey. Like Mommy has freckles ALL over her but everyone isn't walking around calling her a freckle face.........they did when she was little but now it's like she is totally normal.
Hello there my fellow nerdlings! My name is Cassy! I have three younger sisters and a dog named buddy. We live in Oregon and I attened OCHS. I'm the oldest with Josey (12) behind me and Lilly (9) and ivy (4) and Buddy (3). I will be trying to post once a day with random Fandom (I'm so sorry I had to) junk and updates on my crazy life!
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