Tuesday, April 01, 2008

As easy as riding a bike......

Who coined that phrase anyway? Because you know what? After watching my two girls try to figure out how to ride their bikes it doesn't seem to be that easy.

So if you couldn't tell, we finally got around to teaching Josey how to ride a two wheeler without training wheels. It is a work in progress. But I just need to boast about Dustin for a minute. He really is the most patient teacher. And he is so positive and encouraging. It was so fun to watch him teach Josey to ride her bike. I love to watch my husband grow into the father that he has become.

And he has to be in fairly good shape to run up and down the street as many times as he did.


Wendy said...

Great job, Josey! I agree with the riding the bike saying. It is NOT as easy as one might think!

Heidi said...

We found an easy way to teach your children how to ride bikes - you don't!!! Taylor actually taught herself by riding a neighbor's bike. We looked out one day and asked ourselves, "When did Taylor learn how to ride a bike?"

Zachary rode scooters all the time - once in Utah my dad said, "if he can balance well on a scooter Zach could easily ride a bike." We got a bike out of the garage and off Zachary went with hardly any help!