Sunday, April 06, 2008

Calgon....Take Me Away.....

Well as many of you know from my constant complaining, Lilly is definitely my "problem" child. She is just little miss destructo or something. Anything within her reach that she can destroy or ruin she will. It is very frustrating at times and I honestly think she has ruined my chances of having another baby someday because Dustin and I are just pulling out our hair most of the time......okay maybe I am just pulling out my hair, Dustin's are too precious to pull out now!
Anyway, here are a few of her choice moments in the last week.......

The face says it all.
This is how I found her a few days ago, having destroyed the bathroom and anything that she could get her hands on. Luckily she hasn't figured out how to open the toilet bowl cleaner yet.This one was cropped for every one's benefit. But she loves to try and sneak out of the house and go running around naked. I have to constantly keep the front door locked or she will try to bolt. This is how we found her as I looked out the back window the other day. By the time I caught her she was half way down the street in front of some else's house, with some guy neighbor across the street totally laughing. Maybe I should have just put the camera down?Here is a glimpse at an AWESOME tantrum displayed in public. It was one of my most proud moments as a mom. I don't know what it says of me as a mother that I was just totally laughing and actually pulled out the camera. What must the other moms have been thinking? I guess I don't really care anymore....thats liberating.

And these last two are from this afternoon. I thought she was being too quiet and this is how we found her. She had completely dumped out our brand new can of hot chocolate mix and was having a grand time in her chocolate sand box.
A few other Lilly highlights that I wasn't of the presence of mind to actual take a picture of:
Bright red lipstick all over her self and her nice clean jammies,
Dumping a Costco sized container of syrup all over my kitchen floor,
And literally drawing on EVERY SINGLE wall in my house....I really can't think of one room that doesn't have multiple markings on it.


Steve said...

It is the curly hair, it brings out naughty children! But she looks so cute being naughty!

Rich and Andrea said...

I've decided that they give those children to patient mothers that can handle it. You have tons of beautiful hair and I'm telling you, I would have been bald a year ago. You're such a fabulous mother to live through all of this and still have a such a gorgeous smile! I hope to be like you some day.

Rob, Ann, Ava, and Brooklyn said...

These are so funny! The tatrum one reminds me of Ava. I was going to write a post on our blog complaining of the TERRIBLE two's. It seems AVa spends most of her days throwing tatrums and then in time out!


Oh Jes.....I know how it feel to have a child that is "SPECIAL!". There have been soooo many times that Caitlyn has thrown a fit in the store and I just stand there and laugh...because honestly what ELSE do you do...and I'd rather DIE than give in and buy her what she wants and look like and overindulgent mom! the other day she had a melt down at the mall and some lady felt so bad for me ( both my kids were screaming bloody murder) that she walked me out to my car...gave me a hug...and told me that it gets easier....I hope thats tomarrow! and you're not the only one that takes pictures either. I've considered the video camera so I can show her when she gets pregnant with her first child. hahahahaha! Revenge!

Kate said...

She's so cute! You'd never guess that her middle name is TROUBLE! What a doll.

Heidi said...

What a little stinker!! I've never had a child who likes to streak naked down the street, but Mason is a 'dumper' He dumps everything out. But I cringed when I read about Lilly dumping out syrup, especially a Costco size bottle - that couldn't have been easy to clean up!

Wendy said...

UNBELIEVABLE! Hang in there!

Rach said...

Jessica, is this you?? I couldn't find a photo of mommy, I'm guessing from coments and the J initial in the post that this is you. How are you? I can't believe you have 3 girls - they are ADORABLE. I'm glad you found me. I love this blog stuff. Are your parents still around here? Do you ever come back? So many questions - sorry. Your family is very cute, it was fun to see them.

Jill Johnson said...

That was my McKinley, now I miss those days. Enjoy them if you can. I wish I was calm enough to take pictures of her trowing fits, but I was probably beating her.

Jennie Z said...

I though my almost 2 year old Kate was a handful, but Lily makes her seem like a breeze. Thanks for making me feel less overwhelmed! It must take a lot of love and patience. You are such a great mom to be able to just laugh it off!

Gretch said...

That is all you can do at those crazy, insane times-laugh it out. And who cares what the other mothers think. I'm glad you are taking pictures so you can show her all the things she put you guys through. Maybe it is something with the curly hair, because our little Charley is always keeping me on my toes! Hang in there and keep laughing. :)