Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Don't Drink Orange Juice?

So those of us with girls might understand where I am coming from on this one. It is very precarious to deal with body image even as little girls. Dustin and I try to be aware of what we are saying and the way we talk about diets and bodies and such. While we aren't perfect and I am not trying to say that we are completely going to stave off any body issues with my girls, we really do try to stay aware of it. We aren't allowed to say the word fat in our house because I just don't like it. We try to focus on talking about eating healthy and why, instead of anything about diets and losing weight. When we are eating dinner we talk about the healthy foods. While I know that it is the best to teach by example (I am trying not to eat cookies before dinner :))we are trying to do our part to teach them the right things before they get to crazy about their bodies, which being a girl I know is pretty much inevitable.

So today I was a little bugged when Maddy came home from school telling me something that her teacher said. She said something to the effect that if you want to lose weight, don't drink orange juice. She said it was because it is like drinking 3 sugary drinks. While I know my daughter probably got the details wrong I was a little annoyed that the teacher was talking about that at all. Why would she even bring that up to 8 year olds? I really don't want my 8 year old worrying about "losing weight". I just really can't figure out what the teacher is doing talking about A: losing weight and B: telling the kids not to drink orange juice. I just find this weird and frustrating. I am trying to think of a context that this wouldn't be a weird thing to say to a class of 8 year olds. I don't know. What do you think? Does anyone have a good reason why the teacher might be talking about that? I would absolutely support talking about healthy things to eat and not eat or sugary drinks and drinking water instead, but losing weight and orange juice......I don't get it.


Ducheznee said...

Wow, I just realized that we may not be very responsible parents. That, and I've been drinking entirely too much orange juice.

Darrell and Alissa said...

My friends daughter came home from KINDERGARTEN talking about how many calories are in different foods, turns out the teacher is trying to lose weight and was trying to be helpful to the kids by informing them of calories. I think sometimes they forget kids don't need to know that, they need the focus on what you guys are doing- just eating healthy and getting exercise. Fat is a bad work in my house also. Ashlee had it as a spelling word last year and I hated it!! But my girls know fat does not go in the same sentence when speaking of a person- it's just a terrible word! Soon they will start saying they are fat, but why encourage it sooner then needed?! I would bebugged with the teacher- OJ is healthy!

Williams Fam said...

Yikes-well, I can understand why maybe the teacher would be saying that drinking sugary drinks isn't best for you, but bringing the whole "weight" thing in, not so much. I am very touchy on this subject as well, and have thought about how I'm going to raise our kids so that they only focus on being healthy(foods, exercise, activity, etc.)and how those things will make us feel good, and not so much about body image, "fat" or "skinny." You've got such a good take on it so far though! You've got some great tactics already!


This subject terrifies me! I have never been very good at avoiding it in my own thoughts and keeping it from being projected on Caitlyn is really a big deal for me. Its sad but true that I worry about how tall she is and how much she wieighs at 3 and a half. Yet...I think as long a their mommy and daddy tell them they are beautiful and we teach them about their real worth in the sight of God they will survive. Hopefully.