Thursday, December 17, 2009

Josey's music performance

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades performed their winter concert this week. Josey was so cute up there and I will say that there were parts of the songs that I could definitely hear my daughters voice breaking through. At least she is in tune!
Lilly and Maddy waiting for the show to begin.Luckily daddy walked in RIGHT before it started so he didn't have to miss anything. Josey kept telling me that she was really nervous! But of course she did a great job. And the benefit of being one of the shortest in her class is that she got to be in the front row. Which is good for us because we were able to see her a lot better! She is there in the red dress right in the middle.
And no that is not Dustin's head down center.
Here she is in her reindeer horns for the last number. What a cutie!

1 comment:

Alli said...

josey is absolutely gorgeous.