Saturday, July 07, 2007

Birthday Girlzilla

I have created a monster. I know that there is no one to blame but myself being that I love planning birthday parties and holidays but Joselyn has teken it to a new level. I guess I should have predicted this behavior given her obsessive/ compulsive tendencies but it is really funny. She is absolutely OBSESSED with her 5th birthday party. I took her to the party store about a week ago to look at party themes and get some ideas for what kind of birthday party she wanted even though we aren't having until the first weekend in August. There is just too much going on this month and we can't fit it in so we have to wait until August which she is not too pleased about. Anyway she was in heaven that we were at the party store just for her! She decided on a Luau theme and I told her we would go home and think of some ideas and look up some products on the computer. She CAN'T STOP! Everday she wants to sit down and talk about her party, what games we are going to play, who she is going to invite, what she is going to wear, she is a monster. I think she must have secretly been watching "My Sweet Sixteen" on the sly because that is what she has turned into. So I finally sat down with her yesterday to talk about her birthday (I mean she literally can't sleep at night because she is so excited and obsessed with the birthday). We talked about the games etc. Then she came up with her best idea yet. She told me that she wanted to lay a red carpet down the stairs and out the door so that she can walk down it in front of everyone and she would be wearing her bathing suit, the one with the little skirt that goes with it, because she has obviously given this a lot of thought. That is where I ended the conversation and took a breather. Needless to say she is driving me CRAZY! So my mom gave me a good idea to make her a little party book of her own that she can look at when her obsessive nature is getting the best of her and then I don't have to sit and talk to her about it all day. So I made her a book of things that we might do or decorate with etc. at her party and she LOVES it. She actually slept with it this morning and she keeps adding things to it, like her home made invitations that she is so proud of because she made them herself. Never mind telling her friends when the party is or where but they are really cute and she did a good job. Anyway I just thought it was pretty funny. I don't know what I am going to do in the future. She definately has her ideas of how things are going to be and that should be interesting. Here is her little book of party ideas. Thanks for the advice mom.
This is her favorite page to look at, they are the party favors.


Amanda said...

That is way too funny. Ryan and I got a good laugh! I can't believe that she is turning 5!!

Sarah said...

That is too cute! Jadyn really doesn't care and changes her mind constantly. We never did a princess one but did do a Harry Potter last year. Good luck with her!

Alli said...

jocelyn is HILARIOUS. i couldn't stop laughing at your blog. i can't believe she is almost 5! so crazy. portland looks soo fun too. i love all your pictures!

Alli said...

by the way, who is rebers ramblings?

Sarah said...

Rebers Ramblings is your cousin Jake's family, run by his wife, Sarah. If Jessica emails me your address I can invite you to our blog too.


I still think she is the cutest kid in the world...Her cooky personality makes her even where did she get sucha pointy tounge?