Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Josey's class party

HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! I hope everyone is having the spookiest Halloween EVER. I LOVE Halloween and I know we are making the most of it! I got to help out with the class parties today and we had lots of fun at the two parades. The morning kindergarteners got to do a parade just by themlselves. They get to go and parade through all the class rooms they were so proud. Josey even got some candy in some of the classrooms so pf course that was her best part. She heard on the news today that chocolate is better on a kids teeth than chewy candy. What she heard though was that choclolate wasn't that bad so now she is obsessed with telling me that chocolate isn't that bad for her so she should be able to eat more of it.

When we went to Maddy's party in the afternoon she got to go through the parade again. She did not want to walk with Maddy though she really wanted to walk with this random boy in Maddy's class. She is so wierd sometimes.
Watching the kids do the limbo was the funniest. They are so cute. The party was so fun for the kids. They came in from recess and were so surprised and excited to see the decorations and all the treats on their tables! They played pin the nose on the pumpkin and limbo.


Amanda said...

I love looking at your pictures!! I'm so glad that you put some of them up! All of your girls look ADORABLE and it looks like you guys had fun!!

Wendy said...

Josey looks great! I love Halloween too.