Saturday, December 29, 2007

wierd news of 2007!

I don't know who else read MSNBC's top ten wierdest news stories of 2007 but I thought they were pretty wierd and funny! I had to leave a few off due to innapropriate content for my blog or links that wouldn't work. But here they are, some of THEE wierdest news stories of the year!

Shot Duck Survives Two Days in Refrigerator

Potty Mouth! Woman Cited for Cursing at Toilet

Weelchair User Taken on a 50 MPH Ride

Judge: Cleaner Owes Me 65 Million for Pants

Elephants Electrocuted in Druken Rage

Beheaded Rattlesnake Sends Man to Hospital

Man Brings Donkey to Testify in His Own Behalf


Darrell and Alissa said...

Those are so funny! I would probably wet my pants if a duck that was suppose to be dead looked up at me in the fridge! The wheelchair one is the best to me! Who needs to pay for amusement parks?! Just attach yourself to a semi! I'm glad he was ok though- the poor kid and driver!

JasonDebbie said...

Man that pants story with that judge is so ridiculous, I hate it when people use the legal system for crap like that. I read he got fired after that. I wish I could make my blog cute like yours!