Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Is there anything worse than sitting on your bed and suddenly from under the pillow crawls out a big brown spider and it quickly creeps all the way down the length of the bed?


Alli said...

don't even tell me that is true story!?!?!? i would scream at the top of my lungs and hope that there aren't any spider eggs under there. haha... am i freaking you our now?

Heidi said...

Are you serious? I would freak out so bad!!!! There is NO WAY I would be able to sleep in that bed that night!!! I shouldn't have read this before going to bed!!!!

Darrell and Alissa said...

Unfortunantley we have had that expirience here also! The spiders are huge and everywhere. It has been nice to not have them since it's so cold right now, but the bug man is coming in Feb to get a head start on what comes in Spring and Summer! There is one kind of spider that is really freaky here- it carries it's eggs on it's back so when you squish it it opens the eggs and you have hundreds of tiny spiders going everywhere! I'm not exagurating either- it's nasty! We had that fun in the garage at least- Darrell was pounding as many as he could with the broom and sweeping them out, I was pouring cups of water on them trying to drown them - we didn't have any bug spray! Fun times!


I have a worse story....one night I was reading caitlyn a bedtime story and she was all tucked in...then over her pillow crawled a spider....being the protective mom that I am I yanked the pillow out from under her bed and ran out into the living room screaming for Jeff to kill it. Jeff smashed it really good. POOR CAITLYN...she looked under her pillow for spiders every night for two weeks. OK..so I OVERREACTED! Now my kid has aracnophobia!