Thursday, January 31, 2008

Working Woman!

I just had to do a quick post because it is official! I am now a working woman! I got my first paycheck today and I am so excited. Okay so I have only been working for two days and a total of probably two hours but STILL! I think that this job is going to work out so well with me and my schedule and the kids. It really couldn't be more perfect for me and honestly I LOVE having something to occupy my mind during the day and something to do besides clean and play with the kids. I adore my kids and I love being here with them but all you stay-at-home moms know that it can get very repetative and like my sister has said, "It is like I live the movie Groundhog Day". I think this job is going to allow me to use more of my adult brain during the day. But it still allows me to get a snack for Maddy when she comes in the door, decorate the Valentines box with Josey in the middle of the day and make sure Lilly isn't ingesting anything dangerous and still earn some money. GREAT! Dustin and I agreed that we wouldn't go out and celebrate my new job until I actually got a paycheck. Tomorrow night we are going to paint the town red! Okay probably dinner and a movie we are really exciting in our old age.


Rob, Ann, Ava, and Brooklyn said...

nothing beats a good ole' paycheck! What are you doing?

Wendy said...

I am so glad it is working out for you. How much of the day are you involved with it?

Castiel Moyes said...

I am working for that specialized schedulers company that Liz told us about a few months ago. I got a different client than the traditional wholesaler that most schedulers are working with apparently. I got a rep manager, but was trained for the wholesaler. So while potentially I think it is WAY better because it is probably going to be considerably less time with the same pay, it is a little harder in the beginning because I am not so sure what I am doing! The last two days I spent about an hour to an hour and a half a day. Sort of intersperced throughout the day. I don't think it will take up more time than that until I get a second wholesaler added on. I am not even sure if I am going to have to be working every day with the first guy. But I will keep you posted.

Jaime said...

Way to go! My hat is off to any woman that works and has small children. I watch my sister Mauri everyday and am amazed at how she can work all night and then still manage to take care of things at home! Good luck and enjoy every bit of that pay check!!!!!

Darrell and Alissa said...

That job sounds great- the paycheck even better!


I couldn't have put it better myself! Living in "groundhog day" is SOOOOO my life right now!i am so happy that this job is working out for you. The Lord is always blessing us when we least expect it. Love you Guys!

Heidi said...

Sounds like a great job to work around your schedule and something to get your mind off the "everyday" doldrums. I'm sure the paycheck is even nicer too!!