Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Okay so Lilly has been sick with a double ear infection the last week and has been a total nightmare! At stake conference I had to stay out in the foyer with her the first hour and then we switched and Dustin was out with her the second hour. I should have just taken her home. But we sat out there and for no reason she would just fall on the floor and scream for a minute and then make sure I was watching and then get up and start all over again. Fairly embarrasing. This lady was sitting next to me and commented, "Your daughter is very entertaining". I think what she was thinking was "Your daughter is very annoying". She asked me if my boys or girls were harder. I told her I have only girls, three of them, so I guess they are all hard. She said she had five boys (!!!!) and one girl and that she had found that her daughter seemed harder than her boys. (While I am not one who perscribes to this way of thinking in general I can concede that girls emotional and dramatic tendencies can be harder to take than boys rambuctiousness.) So I told her that she was sick and that she isn't usually THIS out of control. She complimented me on being so calm about the whole thing. I think what she probably wanted to say though was, "GET UP! And take your daughter home!" Because that is what I was thinking. Anyway, approaching the terrible two's with full force I found these videos that really made me laugh and I so want to try the first video's tactic and see if it works. I have been tempted in the past but can't quite seem allow myself to perform like that in a store. So funny though!


Wendy said...

That was awesome. I might try that some day. At home. Not in the store.

Jill Johnson said...

I did that once. McKinley was 2 and in a horrible fit phase. I bought a book about some kids who threw a fit and the mom did too. We were at the grocery store, and she started in so I tried it. It didn't work like the commercial. I ended up leaving my cart full of groceries and going home. Good Times.

Jaime said...

Next time I am at Target I am going to try that. That is my life everytime I am out!

Darrell and Alissa said...

I love this one!!