Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Well yesterday we had a stroke of luck or an unfortunate accident, however you want to look at it. Lilly and I were playing out on the trampoline and she caught her pinkie toe somehow and hurt it pretty bad. She was so upset and wouldn't walk all day. I finally got her up and around that night when we turned the music on and she couldn't resist but to dance. BUT she can't walk on her toes!

Lilly has been a toe walker since she could walk. People are constantly commenting on how she walks on her toes and she looks like a little ballerina. Unfortunately it isn't all that cute when you are a little worried that something is wrong. Her pediatrician referred me to a pediatric orthopedic doctor last week to get her checked out.

Anyway I am kinda glad the toe thing happened because I want to see if it stops the habit of her toe walking but I do feel bad because I know how much that hurts! I know that some of you have had some experience with toe walking children. Can you all give me any advice or tell me what your doctors have said about it? I am not sure what to do about it or if I need to worry.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I don't know anything about the toe walking, but I just wanted to comment on how I love her painted toenails! So cute.