Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It is finished

Last weekend was the Wasatch Back. The race that we have been counting down for months. And I am glad to report that I am still alive and that I can actually use the word fun now that it is over. When we were discussing it while we were in it the only things we could thing of were, "Who's idea was this?" and " Is this supposed to be fun?" But in fact I am SO glad that we did it and it was really fun. There were definitely times when I thought that my sisters and I were going to kill each other, after being in a small van for 32 hours with minimal food and even more minimal sleep, but I am glad we did it together. Here are a few pictures of the race that were on my camera. It is funny because I am realizing that they are all from the first leg of the race when we were fresh and excited. Then I have no more pictures! We were all sort of just grabbing whatever camera was closest so I am hoping that I will get some more pictures emailed to me. It was the most beautiful course ever! I had no idea that Utah could be THAT beautiful.
We had three strangers in our van. But it worked out great! They were awesome and we all laughed and got a long fabulously. Even the one guy on a team with 11 girls. We asked him when he got in the car if he had sisters. He did in fact have older sisters so we felt a little better about all the things we talked about. Luckily he had his ipod to listen to occasionally! Poor guy.

We attempted to have a mini bridal shower thing. Sam was supposed to put on a different piece of dress up bridal clothing every time she ran. But by the second day we were all so cranky and hot and tired that we sort-of scrapped it! But here she was with the first piece.
We missed you Alli! Next time you better be there. And hopefully there will be a next time but let's do the Hood to Coast up by me!
Here is a video of the very start of the race in Logan. Sorry it is sideways. As the runners started the anouncer said see you all in Park City! Just weird.


Anonymous said...

I love Sam's tutu!! This looks so fun, I wish I could have done it! Josh was the sole Erickson representative though. He did the "You've got to be kidding me" part. And Alli, you are such a loser for not doing it.

Heidi said...

So how far was the total distance? Did you run the whole thing together or in legs?


Sam totally looks like Ali in those pictures. I wish I could have been in your van with you guys....next time.

Alli said...

i am sooo sad i couldn't be there!!! sniff sniff. especially when i saw the pictures of you guys together... not quite so much from the pictures of you running... jk. you guys at least looked like you had fun! haha. i am going to be sad now until i get to be in pictures with my sisters so i won't feel lefted out. can't you just photoshop me in?

Wendy said...

Congrats, Jess. It looks like you had fun, despite the miserable running part! Thanks for stopping off to see us on your way home. It was great to talk to you!

Rachel said...

Well done! I'm so impressed. I ran track in high school and have never really had a desire to do it since. ahah.