Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Field day

No she isn't in trouble. Maddy got to say the morning anouncements over the loud speaker for the whole school. She has been SOOO excited about it for weeks. She got her little speech and has been practicing and practicing until she had the whole thing memorized. You can hear her cute little voice in the video below. Sorry it is the wrong way.

And this is how the girls went to school COATS!!! They were supposed to have field day yesterday but they postponed it until today in hopes that it would be a little warmer. It was like 47 degrees yesterday morning and didn't really warm up a ton. Today it was like pushing 60 but BARELY! It has been so cold here.

So they did field day today anyway. It was a lot of fun for the kids even though they were running around outside in the cold.

This was Lilly's favorite station! She stayed here for almost the whole time.

I couldn't believe how high Josey got. I was really shocked that she could climb that. She is our little monkey for sure. She will climb or hang on anything she can find.
Then it was Maddy's turn to head outside. She ran around with her little best friend Maddie D. and her friend Seth who are in her class at school. It cracks me up because Maddy and Maddie D will talk on the phone occasionally and they always address each other as Maddy M and Maddie they might be confused that they are talking to the wrong Maddy?
Maddy was TOTALLY kicking butt in the race.....and then she biffed it. It was pretty funny.
How's her form Jeff? Was she not supposed to hit the T?


Wendy said...

My kid's field day was cold and rainy as well. Liv came home completely soaked through! Crazy weather.

Alli said...

how fun! they are looking so much older. i can't wait to see them at the wedding!! it has been waaaay toooo long.

JasonDebbie said...

oh you are so lucky that you are not sweltering hot! I did yard work for an hour yesterday in 100 degree weather and afterwards was shaking, i probably got heat stroke or something! j/k But i understand how it must get so annoying to have be cold for so long. I just wish I could have one week of 60 degree weather, it would feel so good! My sister in seattle was SOO excited that the sun was out and it was 60 degrees. Thats funny.