Sunday, June 15, 2008

Our new playground

There were some people in our neighborhood that were having a moving sale and so look at what we got. The girls were so excited. I walked them over to the sale yesterday and we bought the little car for Lilly and one of the slides (the girls bought a Barbie computer and a baby doll etc.) for about 5 bucks! They really wanted the ride on horse and they were only selling it for 5 dollars, but I decided not to get it. Well we went for a walk today and when we came home the horse and the other slide were on our front lawn with a note saying that they knew we wanted them and they were just getting rid of what was left. So the girls keep talking about our new playground in our backyard and they have been playing out there all afternoon. Thanks moving neighbors!

And by the way Happy Father's Day to all you dads!


Kate said...

How lucky are you guys??? We got a free swing set from a neighbor, but it's SO ugly and gross. You guys scored some great stuff!
By the way, your blog is so cute... you're always changing the background. I love it. Happy Father's Day to Dustin!

Wendy said...

That was a lucky find! I hope it keeps them entertained all summer long!

Darrell and Alissa said...

You guys are so lucky!! Ashlee was incredibly jealous while i was reading this post- she wants to go garage sale hunting now!