Thursday, June 26, 2008

the return of my sweet baby

I have been meaning to do this for a little while now because I think that Lilly deserves it. She has had a few posts devoted to her naughtiness and I think it is time to post about her comeback! My sweet baby has returned (for the most part). I am not sure if it has been the development of her language, her age, or the implementation of time-outs for her, but she has really turned a corner. No longer does she get into my make-up. No longer does she pull everything out of the pantry, and no longer is she screaming and crying very often. I can ask her to stop and she will! I can tell her no and she says, "okay mama". We are still working on not hitting our sisters when we want something and other typical two year old behavior but I can't tell you how happy I am that I actually enjoy being around her again. She seems much happier as well.
It is funny what different personalities our kids come with. We went to the dentist yesterday. Maddy and Josey were seen at the same time and then we were going to have Lilly checked out really more to just get her used to the dentist.
When I took Maddy to the dentist for the first time she was about two and she loved every minute of it. Seriously she laughed and smiled at the hygienist the whole time and they couldn't believe that this two year old was behaving this way.
When I took Josey to the dentist for the first time she screamed and cried and was having NONE OF THAT! I think that it wasn't until maybe her last visit that we have actually been able to get her teeth cleaned because she would just freak out.
This visit was Lilly's first time at the dentist and I really didn't know what to expect. We walked between the rooms with Maddy and Josey getting their teeth cleaned and there was Maddy chatting away with the girl and then there was Josey in the other room just panicking and whining and crying and saying how scared she was. So Lilly started saying, "scary! scary!". So I thought for sure we weren't going to get anything more that a teeth counting if we were lucky. So when I sat down with her and she smiled and laughed at the hygienist I was a little surprised. She actually got her teeth cleaned and polished! And she loved it! Her little tongue was following the little spinney toothbrush thing all around her mouth trying to lick it off. Meanwhile Josey was STILL whining and crying about the whole ordeal even after it was all over. How can they be so different you know? It definately keeps things interesting!


Wendy said...

Congratulations on getting a happy child back! I am so glad that she is out of her naughty stage, for the moment at least. :-)

Liz said...

I was going to tell you that when I was with her she seemed so sweet. I kept waiting for the demon child that you talked about but she was a doll.