Saturday, June 28, 2008

Missing Spring....but welcoming Summer

So I really don't know what happened to our Spring this year. It just sort of went missing. We kept waiting and waiting for it and it never showed up. But Summer has arrived.....MOST DEFINITELY! It was about 100 degrees today and I can't say that we were all happy about that. When you have no air conditioning (because apparently you don't really need it in the northwest......right) everyone pretty much is miserable all day. When Dustin went into the living room to try and cool off in front of the fan this is what happened. Where daddy goes....his three girls follow (okay usually his four girls, I admit it)!

Doesn't that look nice and cool. What could cool you down but three hot and sticky little girls climbing all over you? At least everyone had cool packs or ice bags and were trying to cool daddy down right? He was a good sport.

We were excited today though because it was out first berry picking outing of the year. We have been looking forward to this all year! It is one of our favorite things to do as a family. The strawberries were really late to ripen this year due to the cold weather so we had to wait an extra couple of weeks. But it was worth the wait! There is nothing better that hand picked strawberries. If they aren't the taste of summer I don't know what is. We tried to get out early today to beat the heat but we weren't early enough. It was SOOOO hot out there!

Lilly had so much fun eating more strawberries than she picked. She is usually limited to how many strawberries she can eat because they are always fairly expensive at the store. We also have a few strawberry plants growing that she is forbidden to pick from because she always picks the white little tiny ones before they can ripen and then we have no strawberries. So to have no holds barred was a little crazy for her! She was picking and eating for like an hour and she loved every minute of it. When she finally started turning strawberries away we knew we had reached her strawberry capacity. But let me tell you she can hold a lot!

We ended up with about 12 pounds of strawberries for about $7.50! LOVE THAT! We have already eaten about half of them. Daddy makes the best strawberry milkshakes! We tried to stay out of the house as much as possible today so we went to an afternoon movie of WallE (which we loved) and then went over to the spray park in the late afternoon to cool off. I am seriously LOVING summertime!


Jaime said...

I don't know how you survive without air conditioning. i would die. I love your pictures of the girls picking strawberries. There is nothing better then fresh strawberries!

J said...

Yeah, you should have consulted us about the pacific northwest summers. They're definitely hot enough for AC. Strawberry picking looks awesome. How bad was Lilly's diarrhea?

Amanda said...

YUMMY! K..I TOTALLY cracked up about Maddy's comment and the freckles!!!

Heidi said...

Are you sure you're not missing this 110 degree heat right about now :)

Amberly said...
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