Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Help me I'm out of sheets!

I need some advice. If you read my blog yesterday you know the diaper situation. Lilly has now taken to taking off her diaper multiple times a day. If she goes pee pee in them the tiniest bit, off it goes. If she just doesn't want it on anymore, off it goes! When I got her up this morning she had taken her diaper off and then peed in her bed. Then I put her down for her nap today and when I got her up she was soaking wet and her crib was all wet. She had taken her diaper off when I first laid her down and then fell asleep and peed all over herself. WONDERFUL! Between Josey's sheet yesterday and Lilly's sheets the last couple of days from peeing everywhere I am OUT OF SHEETS. How do I get her to keep her diaper on? I really don't think she is quite ready enough to potty train. In my experience it is better not to push and just wait until they want to do it and she definately doesn't want to sit on the potty right now. Any suggestions everyone?


Sarah said...

Would those pull-ups work? They aren't true diapers and might make her feel bigger. As far as running out of may just need to do lots of laundry or buy more! Just cheap ones if they won't be used for long. Or you could use blankets but thatjust adds to the laundry. Good luck!

Jennie Z said...

I know you don't want to hear this , but it might be time to potty train!!It acutally would make life a whole lot easier. You'll be doing a lot more laundry anyway if she keeps taking her diaper off, so take advantage of it! If she is taking her diaper off when it is wet, then it probably bothers her so go for it. The naked thing you mentioned in your last post worked for us. Just do it for a few days and stay right on her taking her every half hour or so. Then do the panties and then add clothes. I know it is much easier said than done, but Kate is now fully potty trained and it is so nice to not be buying diapers! (and I am not even pregnant) Good Luck!!

JasonDebbie said...

Pull ups might be harder to take off maybe. Make a chart and get dollar toys from target and put them in a "prize bag." Then if she wakes up with her diaper still on and a dry bed she can pick a prize. This works for me with kaitlyn, trying to get her to not pee during the night.

Rich and Andrea said...

Dude...I'd potty train her. I know I don't have girls, but my sister in law totally trains her girls the month before they turn 2, and she has 5 girls!! I agree with the previous poster (sorry don't know who it is) that if she's taking it off it's because she doesn't like it. Take advantage of the opportunity of training her now?!

Heidi said...

Yeah, I say either go for the potty training or put her diapers on backwards?