Thursday, October 02, 2008

How weird is this?

So Josey came running home from school the other so excited to open up her backpack. She came rushing in telling me she caught a butterfly and that it was in her backpack. I assumed she must have caught it on the walk from the bus stop and that it would naturally be dead in her backpack. Well that wasn't the case. Apparently she caught a random butterfly next to the drinking fountain IN HER CLASSROOM that morning! She put it in her backpack without telling her teacher because she wanted to bring it home. She opened up her backpack and it was ALIVE! The thing was alive!
That is a real butterfly! The weirdest part is that it like played with the girls all afternoon. It would just sit on their hands and fly around and then land back on them somewhere. It wouldn't go far and then come back and just sit there on a shoulder or something while they walked around. How weird is that?

I finally convinced Josey to let the butterfly go that evening. I told her that we didn't have anything to keep it in or anything to feed it and that it would really be happier if she let it go. She finally did it with a sad heart and cried for "her best friend" for like a half hour, all the while asking me if I felt bad for her? I wasn't allowed to say the word butterfly for the rest of the day either. Which is really really hard because you know how many times you want to say butterfly in everyday conversation. But it really was a very weird butterfly.

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