Monday, December 08, 2008

Christmas Happenings

So Dustin and I sat down with the girls to make a Christmas activity list of all the things we wanted to do this holiday season. We really wanted to start making traditions for the Christmas season and not just PRESENTS! So here are a few of things we have done so far!

Maddy had a sleep over party so for Josey's daddy date she wanted to help put up Christmas lights. That is REALLY what she wanted to do. She was really excited to climb up on the ladder.My camera isn't so great so my pictures aren't turning out so well. Sorry about the blurriness. This was Josey's favorite thing to decorate. Our little Christmas tree in front.Here is the finished project. I know nothing too grand and we don't even have any on the roof but I think is looks great and Josey was so happy and proud to have put up the Christmas lights.
Then the next day we had the primary Christmas party. They made ornaments......
went on a fun hayride.......
sang Christmas songs......and played games.They had so much fun. And they even saw.......SANTA........again.
And Lilly even stood next to Santa! YEAH! You have to blow up the picture though and look at her expression. I am not sure how happy she was to be standing there.

Then afterwards we went and chopped down our tree!

The girls picked out the perfect one and named it Minty.......again (you can check out Minty #1 here and here). This year Minty was even cheaper than last year too! 10 BUCKS! Josey was very concerned about hurting Minty. They didn't like all the shavings from the tree. They love that little tree.
Here is Minty the Christmas tree before she got dressed.Here she is.....half-dressed. And here she is fully dressed. It sure is fun having a tree as a fifth member of the family around the holidays. That is how the girls feel about her anyway. And yes she is a girl. Sorry Dustin.And here is Maddy's new Christmas accessory.


Annie said...

Jess, it looks like you and your family have been having so much fun. Your girls are adorable and I love how excited Josie was to decorate w/ lights. We went and chopped down our tree too for the first time! Except Tanner wasn't concerned about the tree's feelings. He was like, "Cut it! Cut it!" I miss you guys. Have a fabulous Christmas season.


Your kids are so funny! You should have a reality show!