Tuesday, December 02, 2008

stupid stupid stupid

Well the Moyes family may have escaped most of Lilly's new found words of choice at Thanksgiving, but unfortunately the patrons of Walgreen's weren't so lucky. While shopping yesterday getting my "deals" Lilly decided that not only was Barney STUPID but everything in the store was STUPID. and it wasn't just stupid it was STUPID, said with such conviction and vehement that no one could ignore it. I was standing in an aisle as Lilly shouts out, "Barney is STUPID, Barney is STUPID, Barney is STUPID" over and over again. This lady standing next to me shot her a look, and then me a look....... and then I shot one right back thinking ........"STUPID LADY" jk. But seriously I was so embarrassed and annoyed that this lady must have thought I was a bad parent for not correcting my child. But I don't know what to do about it! She is obsessed with the word stupid right now and she is 2. The more I point out not to say the word the more she says it. So I am trying the ignore/replace with another word technique. Today when she said to me, "Those lights are stupid!", I looked at her and said my usual nonchalant, "oh, that's not a nice word. How about silly! Those lights are so silly! Isn't that funny! hahahaha" And she laughed, but she also said, "No, you do a frowny face." Obviously this has been my reaction to the word stupid that she has enjoyed so much over the last couple of weeks.....a frowny face. So NO MORE frowny faces. I have decided that I am just going to replace the sentence she says with the word silly instead of stupid and see if this works. But to the lady that shot my and my child a dirty look in Walgreen's......you're STUPID!

And on a side note I think I am moving to Mauritania:


Any takers?


Sarah said...

Kai went through this but with words he got off of Spiderman and others that I don't even use. We tried the soap thing and that worked. But we did replace a few with Harry Potter type words. "Oh Hufflepuff" or something like that worked. I had to look kinda concerned with no smiles since it is the frown reaction they want.

Good luck to you!

Darrell and Alissa said...

Vinegar is always an incredible cure-er of things you don't want kids to say. I have been amazed how well if works- one time is all it takes, then just pulling out the bottle brings enough cries that the word is gone for the day. Good luck though-

Sheree in GA said...

That's hilarious!

Heidi said...

I hate when kids get a word or phrase stuck in their heads and say it over and over - I do the ignore approach too, especially with Mason because at that age they are just repeating a word that they heard and don't quite understand the meaning of it yet...


Raising kids is so fun....I am trying to figure out how to get Jeffy unattached to his beloved "bebe" the pacifier!

Rob, Ann, Ava, and Brooklyn said...

That is so funny! I love how she was looking for your frowny face!