Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I tagged embarrassing

So I feel like I have been a slacker blogger lately. We have just been SO busy with so many different things going on. Even now as I sit here doing this, all I can think about is all the other things I should be doing right now!

BUT recently I got moved around a little bit at church. I was the pianist for a couple of years in primary and then last month I got released as the pianist and the ward choir director (hallelujah) and was put in the nursery. I was totally fine with this as I have NEVER been in the nursery and Lilly is in there I thought that might be kinda fun. Well I was in there for about three weeks when they called me to be the Primary Chorister. I was a tad overwhelmed at first as I have never done that before other than substituting for others but after doing it for a couple of weeks I really LOVE it! Like I REALLY love it! It is a lot of work during the week but I haven't minded it too much. But I also got called to be a "unit mom" at girls camp. So since I haven't been to girls camp in almost 15 years I wasn't completely sure what unit mom was or did and blindly said SURE. Well now I am understanding that it is more like ward camp director. There is another sister called with me so that is good but I am realizing how much work it really is going to be and I am SCARED and quite honestly not sure if I am up for the task. Organization and NON procrastination are not exactly my strong suits.

But ANYWAY! I have seen this fun tag on others blogs and since I have been a slacker blogger and a slacker picture taker I wanted to do it so..... I tagged myself. Others are doing the 6 file with the 6 picture in it and blogging about it. But I like 7's better, so I did the 7th file in My Pictures and picked the 7th picture in it and then tagged 7 people. And here it is!

This is Josey riding her little bike in Las Vegas about this same time of year over 2 years ago. The elementary school had a little bike rodeo where the kids were invited to bring their bikes and enjoy a variety of activities related to bike safety and etiquette. It was really fun. I remember the day because it was the most beautiful weather (as Vegas usually is at this time of year) and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. We were able to walk to the school because we lived so close and the girls looked so cute out there on their bikes trying to go through all the cones and such. We had a really great elementary school that the girls just loved. We have such fond memories of so many people there in Vegas!
So I tag.......Debbie, Cami, Alli, Missy, Andrea, Amanda, Liz (and then you have to tag 7 people)


Betsy Fox said...

Hi Jess,
Primary chorister is the BEST calling! I've done it about four times and now I request it! Right now I am Pri President, so I can't very well request that calling for myself!

Steve said...

I am glad that you started writing again. How is your nose?
I am moving again and probably will not do the tag for the fact I am going CRAZY right now. Hope all is well with you guys.

Heidi said...

Primary Chorister!! You'll love it- when I got that calling everyone told me it was their favorite calling by far and now I agree with them. So glad you finally got out of ward choir director though, I'm sure you were relieved :)