Tuesday, March 03, 2009

She's a STAR!

Well we went through the first round of performances and Maddy did GREAT! She was such a natural up there. The first night I was SO nervous for her! Right about the time they were opening the curtain I started having nightmares of her freezing up there or completely forgetting her lines and freaking out. But it started and she was right where she needed to be and remembered all of her lines and it was GREAT! I haven't taken a lot of picture as they are having a special time on Thursday that we can come with our cameras and take lots of pictures while they are running the play. So I am going to do it then and I will post them. So stay tuned! She has 2 more performances and then it is all over! Of course I am a picture mooch so here is some of the weekend we had with Dustin's parents and his sister and brother-in-law and our little cousins. It was a really fun weekend! Thanks for coming!

1 comment:


Oh I'm so glad you posted that! I've been waiting on pins and needles! I'm so happy that she did so great! I wish so much we could have been there!