Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Well we had "the ultrasound". And in case you haven't heard through the grapevine yet and you can't tell from this picture it is definitely another human baby. This is always something we are happy to know. jk On the not-so-exciting news front it didn't grow that extra appendage we were kinda hoping for. We are having a fourth GIRL! Just saying that makes me want to choke a little but but I am thankful that everything checked out fine. I was a little worried about all the medication I took and surgery I had before I knew I was pregnant but so far so good and she is still due February 21st. Here is her first portrait....

While we were in watching her she kept moving and yawning and opening her mouth and stuff. The girls thought that was really entertaining and fun. They just kept coming up and giving me hugs they were so excited to have another little sister. And she is now the size of a canteloupe. That seems pretty big. The ultrasound technician also said she weighs about as much as three cubes of butter. So Dustin told the girls that we would go home and they could hold three cubes and imagine the baby as cold rectangles.

I will admit that I really thought we would have a boy this time as I think Dustin did too but I guess we don't need to learn that lesson of raising a boy? Or I am just going to think that we are just such AMAZING parents to raise girls so Heavenly Father is sending us as many as he can so that we can nurture them into confident, loving, women and mothers.....right? right? :) I have been a little more disappointed than Dustin apparently which always strikes me as odd (I will admit that I have shed a few tears), but here are 5 pros that I have come up with to make myself feel better (and if you have any more feel free to add them in the comments section below I could use all the positive thinking I can get!).

1. As much as I love my mother-in-law and sister-in-laws and have great relationships with them, I know from others how WRONG these relationships can go. So, now I NEVER have to have a daughter-in-law!

2. I will always have many many people to chat on the phone with as we get older. I do love to chat on the phone.

3. I will always know everything that is going on with all my grand kids. I think that boys tend to not tell their moms as much as girls and since I don't have any of those pesky boys I will know every day to day interaction that goes on with EVERY ONE of my grandchildren.

4. This is a pro and a con....I already have EVERYTHING.

5. There is a good chance that I won't have to pay for any missions.......okay okay I will have to pay for 4 weddings but at least I probably won't be without any of my children for 2 years. That always seems hardest on the moms!

Lastly, there is strength in numbers and here is a list that I found of other famous families that have all girls.

The Bennets from Pride and Prejudice: Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia

The Marchs from Little Women: Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy

The Brady Girls: Marsha, Jan, and Cindy

The Obamas: Melia and Natasha

The Bushs: Jenna and Barbara

The Tanners (Full House): DJ, Staphanie and Michelle

Tim McGraw/Faith Hill: Gracie, Maggie, and Audrey

Mary Lou Retton: Shayla, McKenna, Skyla & Emma

The Dubois' (From medium LOVE THAT SHOW): Ariel, Bridgette, Marie

Paul Newman: Claire, Elinor, Melissa, Stephanie and Susan

The Ingalls: Mary, Laura, Carrie, and Grace....ok then they adopted Albert later. I guess that is always an option.

And the Moyes': Madelyn, Joselyn, Lillian, and......any good suggestions that go with the other names?


Steve said...

Boys DESTROY EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! I am not kidding. They climb on EVERYTHING!!! I could add more to your list if you would like:)JK
Congratulations on you little cantaloupe!

Darrell and Alissa said...

Congrats Jessica! I cried when I found out Carly was another girl- I was praying Baylee was a girl because I had 2 boys live with me and am no very appreciative of my emotional drama queens! Can't wait to hear a name-

JasonDebbie said...

Also, this one will have a great relationship with her sisters. Not saying a boy wouldnt love his sisters, but he would have been kind of a loner with different interests and everything. So this baby is getting a favor by being a girl and having all sisters. I'm worried about that with creighton, him loving boy things and his sisters not loving it so much. Everyone I know who only has sisters has such great relationships with them, so even though you won't experience a boy, you'll have an even better experience later on, relationship-wise, with them and between them. Plus, maybe Dustin needs to learn more about women.:) j/k

Dustin said...

I consider myself the luckiest man in the world to be blessed with four wonderful daughters all to be raised by their beautiful, smart, loving and otherwise incredible mother.

Rachel said...

Ahh! Congrats! You have very cute girls-- who knows what the boy would look like. ahah.

Megan said...

You know what? It's okay to feel bummed. Girls are GREAT (I re-realized this when we took Camryn to the mall play area and all the little boys there were leaping and jumping and knocking into her so much that I wanted to smack their little bottoms SO BADLY but chose not to because I didn't want to get arrested by mall security). You will have a wonderful time with your new little girl. But, yeah--I know that feeling of disappointment. Like, "Okay, Heavenly Father, I know you know best, blah blah blah, but really. Can't we do it MY way every so often? How about now? Can we start doing it my way NOW?" It's hard to set your heart on something and realize YET AGAIN that Heavenly Father doesn't entirely agree. But you are such good parents of little girls. This little one will be lucky to have you. And EVERY little girl needs a little somthing that's brand new and just for her, so don't hold off TOO much on the shopping!!! I say sell what you can on Craigslist and get some new stuff (even if it's "new" and from Craigslist) if that's what gets you feeling good again! (Don't tell my husband I said that.)

And by the way, boys are total crap at communication. My mother-in-law was forced to call the mission office TWICE while Karl was serving in Puerto Rico--he was such a crappy letter writer that Linda started wondering if he was actually dead!!! Karl's mission president finally called him up and said, "Elder Taylor, you need to call your mom. I don't care if it's neither Christmas nor Mother's Day--you get on that phone!" She thanks me weekly for my blog, claiming if I wasn't around to tell her stuff, she'd never know what was going on in her son's life! So thank Heaven for little girls!!!

Curtis and Whitney Giles said...

Hey I love girls! I only have one, but I think they are a blast!! This is Whitney Giles by the way! Curtis thinks we will have all girls too so you may not be alone!

Liz said...

Ok so i thought about my comment and realized that it may sound mean and ungrateful towards my son. I was just trying to be helpful!! He is a sweet little hurricane.
I am excited for you and I think that you are an amazing mother!

Betsy Fox said...

Congratulations! I think you are one lucky mom. Any names?

Wendy said...

Liv would love a little sister. We could trade. Both of my boys for your new feminine bundle of joy. Gary and I would even drive them to you and pay you lots of money every month. :-)


Abby said...

Congratulations!!!!!! I Think This Is Great!Think How excited This Little Girl Is To be able To Come To Your wonderful family!I Know she is Doing Summersalts{SP}

SMDStudio said...

I cannot tell you how much money we have shelled out fixing things that one of my sons has broken (he will remian nameless, but you know who I'm talking about). I mean, seriously - how do you break a perfectly good bathtub???????
"Adrienne" has the same rhythm and sound as the other three names - a suggestion.
Lastly, I really wish I had more sisters. I have one, and I am eternally grateful to have at least one, but one of my best friends has five and they all live close and get together to can things and have parties and love and support each other as they are getting married and raising their young families. There is just something about sisters and that bond between them that is worth more than money can buy. I hope, hope, hope Anna gets a sister - at least one - I hope more.
Well, now you can paint that last bedroom as pink as pink can be. And I agree about the advice someone gave about buying new things and making this feel fresh and exciting - because it is - even though it may not feel like it.
I hope you are at least feeling better. Sending my love and condolences and congratulations and happy wishes . . . (and take great comfort in the fact that Dustin seems to not be disappointed, but is as happy as can be about this.) You tow are WONDERFUL parents for girls. I am amazed at how wonderfully you are raising the three beautiful ones you already have. So wonderfully that I hope my boys snatch a couple of them up when the time is right (15-20 years). ;> Take care (sorry for rambling).


I am pretty sure Caitlyn would trade BOTH her little brothers to have a sister =). You're two older girls have such a cute relationship...now Lilly can be the big sister and have that too.
What about Jillian. I really love that name. And I love the nickname "jilly bean" =). I do like the "Adrienne" suggestion. What happened to Allison??

Rob, Ann, Ava, and Brooklyn said...

I just wanted to say Congrats!