Thursday, February 04, 2010

My good girls and just for laughs.....

So around here we have a prize box. It consists of things that I try to stock up on throughout the year for birthdays and such. But sometimes when the girls do something that is really nice and unexpected I try and surprise them with picking out of the prize box. So the other day when Maddy had strep Josey offered to do her chores for her and insisted that she just keep laying down. Josey cleaned up all the bedrooms upstairs including Maddy's and emptied the trashes and cleaned the bathrooms which were Maddy's jobs. So I told her she could pick out of the coveted prize box. She was thrilled.

A couple of days later Maddy was looking at my feet and ankles and was telling me how they really did look like clubs (tried not to be offended:)). I told her that they hurt! And she asked me if I would like her to rub them. I said SURE! So she rubbed my feet for like ten minutes straight without stopping or asking if I would pay her or anything. I thought that was so sweet that I told her she could pick out of the prize box.

So now that both her sisters had gotten to pick out of the prize box Lilly wouldn't let it die that she wanted to pick out of the prize box as well. So I finally told her today that is she was good for me at the store that she could pick a prize as well.

When the girls got home from school they were now asking AGAIN if they could pick out of the prize box to which I said no. And had to remind them what the prize box is for. So Josey decided that since Maddy got to pick out of the box for rubbing my feet that she would try the same. I told her that she couldn't pick out of the box but that I would pay her a dollar for 10 minutes of feet rubbing. So she got to work and about every minute and a half she would ask me if she was done. It made it SUCH an enjoyable experience....that was sarcastic. But I asked her to rub my ankles and she looked at me in bewilderment. She said, "I don't know where they are." And I said, "What do you mean? My ankles.....don't you know where ankles are?" And she pulled up her ankle and said, "Yes! But my ankles have this poky out thing......but I can't find yours." The funniest part was that she was serious. I started directing her to where my ankle would be. She would poke me and ask, "here?" and I would say no up or down or whatever until she finally pushed on my ankle bone. I asked her, " Can you feel the hard thing?" and she looked at me and said, "" Apparently I have no ankles anymore.


Betsy Fox said...

Curse their horrible honesty. Don't worry Jess, someday you will have ankles again.

Darrell and Alissa said...

Thanks for the laughs! Dang the stinkin pregnancy cankles!!

Sarah said...

That is great! With adults saying those things you can TOTALLY be offended, but kids who are honest you just gotta love em!

You do have very sweet and caring girls and they aren't just "born that way" but you have done a great job in raising them.

Amanda said...

your post made me laugh Jess!! What sweet, cute little girls you have (with another sweet one i'm sure on the way!!)

Alli said...

not only do you not have ankles, but you don't even have Cankles... haha. jk. I imagine all the water retension bursting out of your skin when the baby comes out.

Liz said...

Jess I am so sorry!! Are they going to induce you?