Sunday, April 04, 2010

bathing Ivy

Ivy hasn't exactly turned out to be the docile fourth child that I dreamed of. She likes to be held and be sucking only on mommy pretty much all the time. It doesn't make for the easiest of days or nights so far.

So the other day I was determined to get her into the bath. She absolutely HATES her baths still. It totally terrifies her the whole time. I have to move like a snail and let her white knuckle my shirt for her to just slightly whimper, otherwise she is screaming bloody murder the whole time. So I was trying to find just the right time to give her the bath. I didn't want her too hungry and I didn't want her too tired. And I just couldn't seem to find the right time. Finally when she wouldn't stop crying, I figured well since you are crying anyway I might as well plop you in. So I started getting all the preparations ready of the towel and the clean clothes etc. Just as I lay her down on the granite counter top she conks out.....right on the hard granite counter top! WHY?! I just had to stand there for a while because I couldn't leave her there and I didn't want to wake her up yet and hear more crying. Hopefully I will figure her out soon.

And I have to say that having older children with a baby is both a blessing and a curse. Of course you still have to tend to all their needs and demands while trying to take care of a new baby. And that is just no easy task. But when you can hand the baby off to one of your older kids...... heaven! Maddy got her to sleep for me and let her sleep on her while I got my whole kitchen cleaned and floors swept. It was wonderous. And look at that proud expression!

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