Sunday, April 04, 2010

My little garden.....

I now have my little garden full of Lilly and Ivy.....aren't they beautiful?

Dustin and I really can't believe how wonderful Lilly has been to Ivy. I was a little worried. She has been the baby for four years and frankly she hasn't been the easiest child. She is very attached to me and has a temper on her. I wasn't sure how she would take to the baby once she started hampering Lilly getting what she wanted when she wanted it. However, she is the kindest most gentle big sister. And she is VERY protective of her. If mommy or daddy even utter the slightest bit of frustration at Ivy, Lilly is the first one there to stick up for her and tell you to not be mad at the baby. She doesn't ask to hold her all that often but she loves to look at her little face and hold her little hands and she really is very tender. The other day we were all laying down taking a nap together and Lilly accidentally lightly kicked Ivy and it upset Ivy a lot. I got a little upset because the mother bear instinct took over for a split second until I saw how COMPLETELY devastated Lilly was to think that she might have hurt her baby sister. I had to hug and console her for a while and let her know that Ivy was just fine and that I knew it was an accident. She loves her little Ivy.

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