Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Lilly

This is how daddy found her birthday morning with her kiki and her beautiful new birthday dress and headband all curled up on the chair waiting for her day to begin! Maddy and I decorated her door (a fun tradition from borrowed from a friend) and she was in SHOCK that her door had an L I L L Y on it!
The big four year old!

Here she is in her cute birthday dress and headband. Thanks grandma! I love it!

She loved the banister being all decorated as well.

We spent the day running around getting our cake and supplies. And then that night we had a few friends over for cake and ice cream. She was in heaven.

Happy Birthday Lilly! We love you so much and are so glad you are in our family. Some of your favorite things right now are:
Anything pink
dresses and skirts (a must everyday)
jumping on the trampoline with your sisters
playing high-ho cherrio with mom and doodle dice
watching Team Umizoomi and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
You love anything sugary! and try to swindle cookies for breakfast just about every morning!
I love you so much big girl!


Megan said...

Happy birthday, Lilly!!! That's so cool to keep a list of her current likes and dislikes. I used to do the same every New Year's Eve--write down my favorite books, songs, movies, classes, friends, and crushes. It's completely MORTIFYING and yet bittersweet to go back and read what I was like as a middle- and high-schooler. And amusing to see how long that "crush" list was each year!

Alli said...

yeah for Lilly! She is so adorable, and I LOVE all the cute decorations! p.s. OF COURSE you guys would find a frog in your yard. I think all random living things find Josey.

Betsy Fox said...

What a great idea to decorate the door. I'll have to remember that one.