Thursday, May 12, 2011


What is the one word that women don't want to be called......okay I guess there are a few words that women don't want to be called. But I am pretty sure that for 99% of us there is one word that starts with an F and ends with a T......and has an A in the middle......that we don't want to be called, especially on a regular basis! Am I right ladies?

So Lilly has started displaying some of her obsessive tendencies lately with certain words, this "certain word" with an A in the middle is one of them. She has decided that she needs to inform me of every person that she knows or sees that she thinks is fat. And guess what......I made her list! Infact I think I am her number one! Which means that she wants to inform me of this multiple times a day!

We have had many conversations now when she is pointing out the lady at McDonalds that is "you know what" that this isn't a nice thing to say and that it doesn't make people feel good. I have explained how everyone is made differently and that it doesn't matter BLAH BLAH BLAH. All I really want to say is stop calling people FAT!!!! And by people I mean ME!!!!! Frankly I don't care if you whisper to me that the lady walking down the street is fat or that the man checking the groceries is fat, as long as you just whisper it to me. But when you won't stop whispering to ME that I am FAT, I can't handle it anymore.

So I finally got her to stop saying people were fat but she has still decided that I must not forget that I am fat. So we are driving in the car, or walking down the street, or going to bed, or eating lunch (you get the drift is ALL DAY), and she will say to me, "Mom remember what I said about you?" To which I have to respond, "Yes Lilly." Because if I don't respond this way she will say, "But mom I just want you to remember what I said. Just remember what I said about you."...............seriously? There is nothing worse than feeling pretty good and having a good day and then having your 5 year old remind you that she thinks you are fat. Gotta love kids..........right, I do have to right?

Did I mention that she also tells me that daddy is really skinny? Do I still have to love her?


Kate said...

Oh geez... that's horrible! I don't know what else to say. Hopefully she'll quit it soon!


Yeah well....Jeff makes me look fat these days too. BOO! You're beautiful Jes, and a wonderful mom too. All of us have moments where we ask ourselves...REALLY? THIS is MY CHILD????? GRRR! Motherhood is to teach us patience...and apparently humility. love ya!

Megan said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! (And I thought MY children had cornered the market on hurting feelings and being annoying!) If it helps, all the women in my family have high foreheads (like, really in I used to stand at the mirror and look at my hairline and cry). And when we were little, Katie and I would push my mom's hair back and crow, "Bald Mama! Bald Mama!" I'm sure it warmed her heart.

If it helps at all, both my darling daughters have entered stages that make me like them NOT AT ALL. I want to cry at the end of every day, knowing another one just like it is around the bend. Sigh.

Abby said...

I Loved This Blog,, I Know Just How You feel,, Kids Don't Pull any punches..I had Ellie ask Me what My Favorite color was,, I told her yellow like my VW and she said Like your teeth,and I have told the others just call Grandma chubby.. NOT FAT!!! Love & miss

jimandkaren said...

My only "niece-by-marriage," when about 4 years old, would not give me a moment's privacy when we were visiting them, including when I was changing into my swimsuit (they had a pool - it was in CA, of course). She started giggling, and finally was able to blurt out "You sure have a fat tummy. My mommy does not have a fat tummy." Okay!!! Some of us make it through childbirth less scathed than others, I get it!!!!!! It took me years to feel loving toward her (and now I adore her and I know she'd DIE if she knew what she'd said to me and how seriously I took it, even if I knew not to). I feel your pain!!

Lane Family said...

LOL! Jessica you crack me up! I am so glad I found your blog. It has been fun to see what everyone is up to. Everyone looks great, and growing so fast.

Liz said...

That is horrible:( You are beautiful.

Darrell and Alissa said...

What a turkey! I suppose we do have to love them- but sometimes it's ok to want to throw them out on te street right?!:)

Betsy Fox said...


Heidi said...

Ahh, the things our children say - sometimes it does make it hard to love them when they say things like that!!