Thursday, May 31, 2007

It's raining!

Well here in Portland we have been having a.......heat wave.........HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love it! It was about 89 degrees yesterday and I will say that it was hot, but come on it was 89 degrees! It was all over the news all day what everyone was doing to cope with the heat. hahahaha I seriously could not stop audibly laughing as I was watching the news. BUT I'LL TAKE IT! If this is as hot as it is probably going to get I will be very happy. It has been kinda wierd because I think we brought the sun with us from Vegas. I have been looking forward to a little bit of rain and it has only rained like maybe two days the whole time we have been here. Every other day has been sunny and warm! I love the evenings though because it actually cools of here at night and it reminds me so much of the long summer days I remember as a kid. Anyway the girls were jumping on the trampoline in their bathing suits and daddy came home and surprised them with a little rain. They were in heaven. As the girls came through the door to change their clothes to eat dinner, Joselyn passed me and looked at me with big amazed eyes and whispered, "That was aaawwsome". Guess I will have to get the hose out a little more.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

When daddy comes home and does something out of the ordinary, they totally remember it! I remember my dad doing stuff-not too weird but getting my a flower or sitting and playing Barbies after he was working and it still means a lot ot me that he was willing to do that after a long and busy day. Looks like you all had fun in that HEAT!