Monday, October 29, 2007

carving pumpkins

Well we decided to carve our pumpkins last night. I actually love carving pumpkins. I think it is really fun and I always look forward to doing it every year. But with the amount of pumpkin patches we went to this year, and the amount of children we have, we had a lot of pumpkins to carve, as you can tell from the first picture there! Or I should say I had a lot of pumpkins to carve. Dustin HATES carving pumpkins. He HATES cleaning them out. He HATES the smell and he NEVER wants to carve them. So it falls to me to make our pumpkins into scary jack-o-lantens. I made the girls clean out their own pumpkins and I told them that who ever could get their pumpkin cleaned out first would get to carve it first. Can you tell who won? Josey had NO problem. Maddy on the other hand....well just look at her face. I ended up cleaning it out. Lilly stayed put on her nice comfy daddy chair. Dustin's whole look here pretty much defines his feelings towards carving pumpkins. And you can see our finished jack-o-lanterns just waiting to spook all the trick-or-treaters. The girls are so excited for Halloween.

I have to add that if you haven't carved your pumpkins yet go to the store and get this little pumpkin carving tool. It is AMAZING! And actually quite fun! It is this little electric saw thing that makes carving pumpkin SOOOOOOOO much easier. My hand wasn't sore and I carved FIVE pumpkins. I will never carve without it. GO GET IT!


Rob, Ann, Ava, and Brooklyn said...

I love Maddy's face! Did Lilly like it or hate it?

Castiel Moyes said...

Lilly was entirely indiffernt to the whole thing. She really was fine to just sit with daddy and watch the movie we had on. She didn't want to touch the pumpkin but she didn't freak out or anything.

Wendy said...

looks like fun. We have several pumpkins, but nobody seems interested in carving them, so we have just not done it. Which is fine with me since I am the only one here who will do any of it anyways. Maybe if I got that little pumpkin cutter tool I wouldn't mind it so much!

Gretch said...

That is too funny! I love Maddy's face-really its priceless! Dustin's face sums up how Jason feels about Christmas-I'm the one that has to do everything. Jason loves Halloween though.

I look forward to seeing the girls costumes.


I can't believe how big your girls are. Having blogs makes it feel like you are not so far away. Have a happy halloween. I know its your favorite!

Darrell and Alissa said...

The pictures and pumpkins are great! I love Maddy's face!

Williams Fam said...

SO much fun!! This carving drill sounds awesome!! Can you get this kind of thing at any regular store?! We're carving pumpkins tonight, and if it's possible to be easier in any way, I'm all for it!!

Heidi said...

Love the pictures--we skipped the whole pumpkin thing this year. Having a baby 3 weeks early really put a dent in our Halloween celebration plans...we just barely went and bought our kids' costumes on Saturday!