Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year....without a clean house

Here is an update on the last post. I did not accomplish all my tasks. We decided to take the kids to the zoo, they have a spectacular light display and it was the last night and it was free. I will post pictures later. Then we came home and played games with the girls until 10:00 (kidnight aka midnight for kids). So needless to say I did not get everything I wanted to done. I did get all my dishes clean, save the two bowls that the girls ate dinner in. And I did get MOST of my wash done. I have one load left but I for sure didn't get it folded and put away. I did get most of it put away though so that is progress. And I definately did not get to my carpets. Oh well I had a much better time with my kids and husband! Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you all started off with cleaner houses than mine.

1 comment:

Darrell and Alissa said...

You aren't the only one who didn't get the house completely clean! I tried, but failed!!!