Thursday, April 02, 2009

We have snakes in our backyard!

This post is dedicated to my sister-in-law Amanda!!

So my little sleeping beauty came running in this afternoon screaming, "Look! I found a baby snake!"
Here is her baby snake. She loves it.

And then Josey had to show me what she found.....her new friend.
In the meantime Maddy was at Activity Days and sewed this really cute little cube game to take babysitting when she is old enough. She is getting so old!


Rob, Ann, Ava, and Brooklyn said...

Worms are so so creepy! I can't believe Maddy is already in activity days!!!

Wendy said...

Maddy looks so old in that picture! Can you send me the information about what they made at achievement days? It looks like a good idea.


Oh I loved worms as a kid. I would always go tromping through the rain looking for them. Maddy goes to achievement days???? Thats crazy! When did she get so big???

Amanda said...

YOU LET HER TOUCH THAT!!! UGH UGH UGH. I was like..snakes, they have snakes? When I read your post. Gros gross gross...that is why I will stay over here in the hot, dry desert!