Saturday, June 06, 2009

free summer activities!

Surgery went fine. Just thought I would let everyone know. It wasn't fun but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be either. I am just staying drugged up on my vicadin for the pain and having a great time drifting in and out of sleep all day. Dustin has been such a great caretaker! Thank you for being an awesome husband this weekend even though I know I look like a scary monster right now!

Anyway I wanted to pass on my new favorite blog I just found surfing the web today. I love to do things with my kids and get out and around the city. I also like saving money! This blog posts free things to do around the Portland area every week! Isn't that exciting! Click here to check it out! Hopefully as soon as I am feeling better we can go and check out some of these things. I am so excited for the summer!

Also the parks and recreation website is also listing free activities for the summer. You can check those out here.


SMDStudio said...

I'm so glad you're okay. I was going to call you today to check up on you, but the day just got away from me. I hope you continue to recover well. Would you like me to bring dinner on Monday? We'll be in OC mowing the lawn at the old house, so it's no trouble.

SMDStudio said...

Allow me to restate: I am bringing you dinner on Monday. Let me know if you have any requests. ;>

Annie said...

Jess, I'm so glad you are feeling better and recouping, but I have to say, I am so out of the loop! What surgery did you have? I 'm glad it went well.

Darrell and Alissa said...

So glad the surgery went well- and that you are recovering!