Friday, January 08, 2010

My melon belly

Alright so only one more of these LAME baby bump fruits to watch for. I haven't kept track so the last one will probably be posted soon after this but our little baby food is a melon right now and it is SO feeling like it. If she comes out anything like Maddy or myself her head will be this bald and probably this big. Maddy had a HUGE head and was totally bald for a couple of years as was I. This really concerns Lilly when she sees babies. She can't figure out why baby girls are bald and it disturbs her deeply. My body is completely ready to have this baby, however nothing else is in place. No car seat, can't walk in the babies room right now (it has turned into a storage room), haven't pulled out any clothes yet, my house is still a perma-disaster, all things we really need to get too. However I have started stockpiling diapers over the last 6 months so I probably have a couple of WEEKS of diapers....they go through those so fast! Please come early, please come early, please come early......but not before grandma gets here!


Alli said...

yum. I love melons. I can't wait till she comes! I would rather have a baby with a big head than one with a creepishly tiny head with a normal size body.

Alli said...

although I guess it would make the birth a little less painful....

Liz said...

Yummy melon.