Saturday, May 15, 2010


So if you remember this post about Dustin planting grass in our backyard about a month is the progress! Look at our beautiful green grass coming in. This was after Dustin HAD to mow it. He couldn't stand it any longer he just wanted to mow it SO bad! We are so excited to see green out our family room window. It is amazing how much it transforms the space. I didn't think the gravelly/sand mixture that was back there bothered me that much but now that it is green back there is makes me SOOOO happy! I can't wait for another few months after the little dirt patches start to fill in and we have a luscious lawn.
Here are some shots of the growth from weeks back but I forgot to put them up. And apparently we have lost all the pictures on our computer so I can't find any pictures of what it looked like before.....oh well.


Alli said...

it looks so good! yeah!

15 Years Younger said...

No shortage of grass in Portland...